As we are entering the new year almost everybody will make a new resolution about their life. Very likely, you also will have made or be p lanning to make a particular resolution concerning your life this new year. But, the sad thing is that most of these resolutions never made it to the end of January. The first resolution that you should make in this new year is to be closer to God more than before. Many people treat God as a bookshelf. They only run to him at critical time they need him but they have never been with him. This makes it difficult for them to understand him because his ways is very different from the ways of men and for you to understand him, you need to move closer to him to operate in the realm of the unseen, i mean the realm of Faith. The bible says in the book of Hebrew, Chapter 11 that no man can pleases God without Faith. To achieve the impossible this new year, you have to move closer to the impossibility specialist who is Jesus. Th...