
Showing posts from January, 2019


*Proverb 2:19* There are things you can do on earth and reverse them; There are places you can go now, and you can come back later; There are people you are seeing now, you will still meet later; Prisoner may still come back home after many years; The car you bought can be sold; The cloth you bought can be sold; You can pack out from the flat you rented; You can resign from the job you accepted; *BUT.......* *_ANYONE THAT GOES TO HELL AFTER DEATH, CAN'T COME BACK AGAIN;_* _NO AMOUNT OF PRAYER CAN SAVE THEM;_ _NO AMOUNT OF PLEADING CAN HELP;_ _CALLING THE NAME OF JESUS IN HELL IS A WASTE OF TIME;_ _THEIR FAMILY CAN'T HELP THEM;_ *_IT IS A POINT OF NO RETURN .............;_* _CONFESSING OF SIN IN HELL IS A WASTE OF TIME;_ _THEIR OFFERING AND TITHE WONT HELP;_ _THEIR SERVICE FOR GOD ON EARTH WILL NOT COUNT;_ _YEARS OF LABOUR WILL BE IN VAIN;_ _EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT WILL BE A CURSE;_ _TI