Silent Pride is a subtle way the devil is snatching blessings from believers.There are many bible verses where God has repeatedly frown on PRIDE.  In the book of James 4:6b, the bible says, 'God resist the proud, but giveth grace to the humble. This simply means, God is seriously at war with the proud. In the beginning, God created us out of the dust of the ground and breath the breathe of life into us, this is how we became a human being. So no matter our achievements in life, it must not enter into our head and we see ourselves as all in all, because just in a seconds God can take the breath away. No matter the degree you have, no matter the position you have, no matter how sophisticated you are, no matter how costly your facial makeover is,no matter how costly your car or house is,  the moment the breath is taken from you, you become just a lifeless body and that body will be returned back to the dust.

PRIDE is in two categories, the VOICED PRIDE and the SILENT PRIDE. Your career/ministry will never grow more than it is now if you ARE A VICTIM OF GOD'S RESISTANCE. The worst case of PRIDE is to be PROUD and you don't EVEN KNOW.

SILENT PRIDE is when you climb the podium to make a presentation and you want to prove to someone else you are better than them.

SILENT PRIDE is when you can't commend others for their good works in your industry,because you feel you are bringing yourself down by doing that 

SILENT PRIDE is when others commend and honour you,and you feel you are better than them.

SILENT PRIDE is when you are rebuked,and deep down your heart you feel bad and offended,but can't express it.

SILENT PRIDE is when a fellow or junior colleague/minister is teaching,and says a word that is new to you,but you couldn't write it down,because you felt they will think you don't know.

SILENT PRIDE  is when men honor and commend you,and you reply ALL GLORY TO GOD, but deep down in your heart you Stole the Glory.

SILENT PRIDE is when you attend a programme,and you are not introduced,then your face changes.

SILENT PRIDE is when you share a testimony,and begin with BY THE GRACE OF GOD, but actually you didn't mean it.

SILENT PRIDE is when you had a programme,that was attended by 5 persons,and you feel bad as if God had not done anything but the one attended by 50 or more persons you post on social media so that people will see that you are powerful and can pull crowd.

SILENT PRIDE is when you are no longer open to the rebuke of the HOLY SPIRIT.

SILENT PRIDE is when a minister of God colonize a Revelation,as though he brought it forth. It is called revelation, because it was revealed by God.

SILENT PRIDE  is when a minister of God  become proud with the encounters and words he heard from God. If God speaks to you,please be humble in sharing it to HIS PEOPLE


SILENT PRIDE is when you are reading this post and still struggling with it.

What have you actually done that you are beginning to boast. You have too many persons around you CLAPPING FOR YOU. It's DANGEROUS my friend. If you must get to the highest realm in God and in your career, business or ministry, you must completely destroy the DEMON CALLED PRIDE.
PRIDE is making an attempt to lift up yourself above God's throne. The Devil tried it and he didn't go free. You won't escape too.You can't afford to be RESISTED BY GOD. Tell the LORD TO BREAK YOU DOWN. you can't afford to be GODS ENEMY because of the DEMON CALLED PRIDE.

You may be so sure of your humility, why not cry unto the Lord to search you, break you and mold you for the benefit of his kingdom so that you will not loose heaven. The Kingdom of God is at hand, the countdown as begin. SILENT PRIDE might be a big obstacle on your way in accessing the Kingdom of God. Why not fall on your knees right now and ask for Mercy from the the throne of Grace.

If you have not given your life to the Lord Jesus at all, why not seize this opportunity to give your life to him. Very soon the trumpet shall sound, This is not about science, ideology or philosophy. to be sincere with you, HEAVEN is real and HELL is real. Do not get to the point of death to confirm the truth about this because there is no going back at that point. To give your life to Christ, fall on your knees right now with a sober heart and repeat this words, " Lord Jesus, i recognize my self as a Sinner, i believe you died for me on the cross of calvary, please forgive me my sins, cleanse me from all my iniquities and have Mercy on me. Please speak to me, let me see the manifestation that you truly exist, let me see your raw power at work, send out the spirit of pride from me and make my body your temple. Thank you for answering my prayers, in Jesus mighty name i pray, amen".

Find a Christian Bookshop and buy a copy of the holy bible or download a soft-copy of the bible from the Google play store. Find a bible believing church where they are sharing the undiluted word of God according to what you read in the bible.

May the Lord have Mercy on us all.



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