No Servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despised the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon.---- Luke 16:15

Presently the world is full of hypocrisy and self deception. There are lots of people two-timing between God and the devil. The Lord Jesus Christ made it clear in the book of Revelation that those who are not hot/cold will he spit out of his mouth. 

You need to answer this question, “Where do I stand”? You can never be on a neutral ground. It’s either you are on the Lord’s side or on the Devil’s side. Meanwhile, it is impossible to be on both sides. Hypocrisy and self deception will never do you any good. When you are on the Lord’s side, he will fight for you and give you lasting peace. Your problems will then become his problems and he will create solution for you. He will move you from the valley to the mountain and anoint you with fresh oil.

Anything that is not of God is of the devil. To stay permanently on the Lord’s side, you will need to give your life to the Lord Jesus Christ. The devil does not have anything to offer you. The mission of the devil is to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus Christ has come to provide you eternal life. No matter the goodies the devil is giving you now, he will soonest require you to sacrifice what you cherish the most and if you refuse to do so, he will finally destroy you. Either way, you will not enjoy the result.
The ball is in your court? Is it the Lord you want to follow or the devil? If you are willing to stay at the Lord’s side, you have to accept the Lord Jesus Christ into your life and he will renew your life. If you are ready to stay at the Lord’s side, please bow down your head and repeat after me,” Lord Jesus, I have come to the realization of my sins, please cleanse me with your blood on the cross of Calvary, wash me and I shall be made whole. I am renouncing the devil and his works right now, and I confess you as my Lord and Savior. Thank you Jesus, in Jesus mighty name, I pray, Amen”.

As you have made this declaration from deep within your heart, you shall experience the hand of God. You can download a softcopy of the bible on your app store or visit any Christian Bookshop around you to get a hard copy. Find any Redeem Christian Church of God Church or any other bible believing Church close to you. Remember, read your bible daily and only follow instructions that are your bible, the word of God.


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