7. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.
8. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the tree of the garden.
9. And the Lord God called unto Adam, And said unto him, where art thou?
Genesis 3: 7 - 9

The story of the excerpts above is about Adam and eve. God made Adam very comfortable by giving him everything he needs to enjoy his life.i.e. A special accomodation in the garden of Eden,A special wife made out of his own bone,dominion over every living things e.t.c. But he gave him a special instruction not to eat the fruit a particular tree. After sometime, the devil came and deceive his wife into eating from the tree. He made her to know that, if they eat this fruit , they will become like God.

The wife introduced the fruit to the husband and they both ate. Immediately, the glory of the Lord left them and they found themselves naked. God came to the garden as usual to fellowship with them but Lo and behold, they are hiding themselves from the Lord. That is why the Lord asked Adam: WHERE ART THOU?

You need to ask yourself this questions? Have God make you so comfortable in Life that you choose to forget about him or turn him into second choice? Are you looking for alternatives or following alternatives that can draw you away from God's plans for your life?  It's time to wake up from your slumber.
The first mistake that Adam and his wife made was disobedience and this cost them evrything that they have been enjoying so far. This disobedience removed the glory of the Lord aaway from their life and leave their life in shambles. You have to understand that, whoever or whatever you have become today, is not by your power or by your might. The bible says, "It is not by power or might but by the spirit of the Lord,says the Lord". The moment you decide to turn your back against God, he will remove his glory and the special cover he has given you.

what normally happen next after that, is INSECURITY. Because, Adam and his wife eyes were opened they felt insecure and even hide from the presence of the almighty God. God is your security, he is the one making things to work together for your good and not because you are smart. SIN is the only thing, that can make you fall from his grace. In every area you have been committing any sin,may be by defrauding,stealing,lying,fornicating,rejoicing in anthers persons failure,saying no when you are to say yes or saying yes when you are to say no and at the end of everything you are saying God understand.My brother&My sister God is asking you WHERE ART THOU?

You need to do a total evaluation of your life and ask yourself, WHERE ART THOU? If you have not accepted Jesus Christ into your life before or you have gone astray, accept him today, dedicate and rededicate your life to him and the heavens are waiting to rejoice with you and accept you into the household of God. It is only in Jesus Christ that you can find peace, there is no other ALTERNATIVE.

 To accept Jesus Christ into your life, say after me,"Lord Jesus, i accept you today as my Father, Lord and saviour. Forgive me all my sins and transgressions and write my name in the book of life. Thank you for answering my prayers, in Jesus mighty name,i pray,amen." Begin to speak to Jesus right where you are and he is right there hearing you.You can even ask him for signs to show that he hears you and he will show them to you.

Find a bible believing or any Redeem Christian Church of God parish closer to you and attend.Most important get a bible and start reading the word of God, this will help you in moving closer to God. For counselling,call: +2348076000259


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