Today, the Holy Spirit is asking you if your prosperity is built on wickedness.It is dangerous to prosper through wickedness. One of my church members was delivered from being hooked by evil prosperity when he was offered a huge amount of money to defraud his organization. He refused to be part of the deal because he knew the spiritual implication of being unequally yoked with the wicked (2 Corinthians 6:14-18). The love of wealth makes a lot of people ignore God’s counsel, with devastating consequences. Such wealth will eventually grow wings and fly away. Proverbs 13:22 says that a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous. In other words, if you manage to gather wealth by stealing, lying or other acts of wickedness, the Lord is saying that He will take that wealth from you and give it to the righteous. Are you tempted to gather wealth through acts of wickedness or enjoying wealth obtained through sin? God is saying to you today that He is willing to prosper you, but you have to repent from your life of sin.
There was once a famous surgeon who was very wicked. He used to charge his patients very high fees and was living off the misfortune of others. He eventually became very rich with many houses all over the place. However, he himself fell sick, and all the money he made through wickedness was spent to help him, but to no avail. He eventually died. Years ago, I went to the University of Ibadan, and after my ministration, my car won’t start. It was discovered that water had mixed with fuel in my car. The fuel tank had to be removed in order to separate this water from the fuel. After this was done, the car started working again. Likewise, for you to prosper, you must get rid of all ungodly elements in your business and work. Zacchaeus was wise enough to know that all the ill-gone wealth at his disposal must be gotten rid of. He said to the Lord in Luke 19:8b:
“Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.”
There was a very wealthy man in a city in South-western Nigeria who had a lot of houses but could not sleep well in any of them. He came for prayers, offering to give us all his houses if only he could begin to sleep well. Of course, we rejected his gift. Beloved, it is indeed foolhardy to “prosper” through wickedness. If you have accumulated riches through fraudulent and bloody means, repent today. Jesus Christ will forgive you and give you grace to restitute your ways like he did for Zacchaeus. If you know these things and do them, it shall be well with you.
Accept the Lord Jesus Christ into your life now before it's too late


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