
Showing posts from 2015


2015 is almost over and we are entering into a new year of 2016. Have you ever taken time to look into your actions throughout the year 2015 and see where you have affected others with your action or inaction. This is a period to take responsibility and adjust your ways before God and Man. Adjusting your ways now will go a long way in determining your success level in 2016. Think about it. For you to be still alive throughout 2015 is not by your power or your might. The same way you are passing is where other people have passed and they end up in accident. The same food you ate is what others have ate and ended up in the world yonder. What have you done for the almighty God protecting you? The least he is expecting from you is to be obedient to him and to thank him always. Also to those people who are surrounding you, are you a blessing to them? Are they always happy that you are around or they are being forced to smile at you which is not from their heart because of the au...


7. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons. 8. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the tree of the garden. 9. And the Lord God called unto Adam, And said unto him, where art thou? Genesis 3: 7 - 9 The story of the excerpts above is about Adam and eve. God made Adam very comfortable by giving him everything he needs to enjoy his life.i.e. A special accomodation in the garden of Eden,A special wife made out of his own bone,dominion over every living things e.t.c. But he gave him a special instruction not to eat the fruit a particular tree. After sometime, the devil came and deceive his wife into eating from the tree. He made her to know that, if they eat this fruit , they will become like God. The wife introduced the fruit to the husband and they both ate...


There is an English proverb that says, procrastination is a thief of time. In our daily lives, we often procrastinate on important things while we are always busy on things that might not necessarily add value(s) to our life. The world nowadays is full of so many distractions, that might take our focus away from important things in life. Wine,Women,Money e.t.c are some of the distractions that the devil has provided to withdraw our attention from the reality of life. The most important matter that you really need to attend to right now is how to make the kingdom of God. This issue is very important than any other matter,because after all your toil in life, this issue will be waiting for you and if you do not settle it now,it will not be settled later. Like i always say, you can only make the kingdom of God by accepting Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and savior. You will have been reading articles on this topic,hearing sermons on Radio and Television everyday but despi...


In this world, we are often faced with difficulties and challenges that make it necessary for us to look for way out. Individuals look helter skelter for help even where there is no help. Those who promised to help later lands the person requesting help in bigger trouble. Let me tell you a short story of a man faced with financial problem and looking around for possible solution. Those who promised to help him failed, citing one excuse or another. Later, he meets someone who recommended a money ritual as the solution. They even informed him that the ritual did not involve killing human beings. He agreed and they proceeded to start the ritual exercise.  After the exercise, he became rich. The ritualist informed him 2 months after that the gods need sacrifices and he must provide any of his loved ones to be renewing the money ritual every 5 years while he must provide the first sacrifice urgently. The man argued that he was not informed of all this before he started...


This is a very serious question?The life style of an average individual is busy. In this world, we are always after one thing or the other. From a toddler we start schooling and attain first degree at a youthful age. At that age, what comes to mind is to get a work or starting a personal business. After sometime, we naturally have an ambition for the next stage which is marriage and from that stage, we continue to pursue wealth and fame in different forms till death comes. But the question is, AFTER DEATH, WHAT NEXT? The bible says, "And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment"Hebrew 9:27.The bible is very clear on this topic, what happens after death is judgment. Each individual will be judged according to his/her conduct on the planet earth. In the book of 2 Corinthians 5:10, the bible says," For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while...


Marriage is an institution founded by God and it's main purpose is for recreation,pleasure,complementing,building a good home with wonderful children and strengthening each other.There are various factors that are stopping individuals to enjoy their marriage. Statistically, the rate of divorce is now higher than before, where we have marriages of three days,two weeks filling for divorce. This will make us to know that the devil is strategically destroying every home in a bid to bring people to his kingdom.The result of this broken marriages are immoral children, terrorizing our society. Most marriages are founded on the foundation of deception and greed. There is no trust between the husband and the wife. In this article, we will be focusing on the solution to marital crisis and we will be discussing the causes in other articles, if God wills. The moment both partner loose trust in each other, the problem begins. But no matter how worst your marriage may be, i want to let y...


True peace is what everyone searches for. Both the rich and poor need peace on every side. The question now lies in, where to get true peace. It important to note that no man can provide you true peace, infact, even money as important as it is can not get you true peace. All days of a human life are dominated with  the fear of tomorrow. Most people are in serious fear of w hat to eat or drink,where to get shelter,who to marry e.t.c. To get true peace, you have to put all your burdens on the burden carrier. The burden carrier said, " Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you: not as the world gives, give I to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid .".You need to forgo all your troubles and struggles and place them upon our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the burden carrier. Therefore, if you need true peace, accept Jesus Christ to your life today because tomorrow may be too late. If you are willing, say this prayer, "Lord Jesus, i ...


Living a fulfilled life is a puzzle yet unsolved by many people from generations to generations. In this generation, we tend to believe that fulfillment can be found in having  marriages, Child bearing, building new houses, buying luxury cars, high business establishment and connection, high political positions e.t.c. But after acquiring all this things, there will always be an empty space in our hearts that can not be filled with all what the world can provide. Some people even believed they can fill the empty space in their heart, if they relocate to developed countries abroad but the fact remains that you can live in UK and  not be OK, while you can live in US and still be USELESS. At this level, many tends to look to the supernatural for solutions to fill this empty space. In this process they join various religions and occult while in search of supernatural solutions. My friend reading this blog today, i want to congratulate you because you don't need to look else ...