Marriage is an institution founded by God and it's main purpose is for recreation,pleasure,complementing,building a good home with wonderful children and strengthening each other.There are various factors that are stopping individuals to enjoy their marriage. Statistically, the rate of divorce is now higher than before, where we have marriages of three days,two weeks filling for divorce. This will make us to know that the devil is strategically destroying every home in a bid to bring people to his kingdom.The result of this broken marriages are immoral children, terrorizing our society.

Most marriages are founded on the foundation of deception and greed. There is no trust between the husband and the wife. In this article, we will be focusing on the solution to marital crisis and we will be discussing the causes in other articles, if God wills. The moment both partner loose trust in each other, the problem begins. But no matter how worst your marriage may be, i want to let you know that there is solution.

The first step you have to take is to accept responsibility for your mistakes and accept Jesus Christ into your life. It is only him that can repair your broken home, it is only him that can change your partner's heart and it is only him that can bring irresponsible children due to marital chaos to become responsible and moral children.

Then what are you waiting for, do not loose this chance. Jesus Christ said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.No man cometh unto the father, except through me."When you accept Jesus Christ into your life,he is going to enter into your family and make all wrongs right.Now,If you are willing to accept Jesus Christ into your life, say this prayer, "Lord Jesus, i accept you in my life today as my Father, Savior and Lord. Come into my life and direct my day-to-day living and give me your peace in my marriage. Forgive me all my sins and iniquities, give me a new heart and a new spirit and i will forever serve you. In Jesus mighty name i pray, AMEN". 

Find a bible believing church close to you or join any parish of the Redeem Christian Church of God close to you. May God bless you. Are you going through a tough situation in your marriage, and you need counseling, call: +2348076000259.

God bless you


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