The world is programmed to operate with time. There is no force on earth that does not feel the power of time. Time can be defined as an appointed period for a particular situation. Time is so precious that the Lord God almighty also uses time to operate the affairs of men.The bible discusses about the life of father Abraham, he has been expecting a child of his own for a very long time but he had none. The Lord visited him in Genesis 18:1-4. In the first verse of the chapter, the Lord was passing by Abraham’s tent in a human form. Just because Abraham is a man of hospitality and generosity, he requested that the Lord should join him for a short feast. This simple action of hospitality fast tracked his long sought miracle to him.

Is there a particular miracle you are looking unto God for? The most important step you need to take to attract your miracle is; accepting and welcoming the Lord Jesus into your life. Without accepting the Lord Jesus into your life, all prayers and approaches you are taking to solve your problems will be frustrated by the devil. If you have accepted the Lord Jesus into your life before and have backslidden, you need to come back to him and rededicate your life to him. That is why Abraham was able to get his miracle.In verse 10 of Genesis 1, the bible says “And he said, I will certainly return unto thee, according to the time of life; and lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him”. This is clearly indicating that the appointed time for Abraham’s wife to be pregnant as come. I declare and decree to your life, that your time for divine solution has come to any trouble bugging you in Jesus name”. I want to assure that there is nothing our God cannot do. He can make the blind to see, make the lame to walk; he even walked on the sea and converts a fish to an ATM machine. 

So whatever you need from him, ask today and he will attend to you. If you are ready to welcome the Lord Jesus Christ into your life today, please bow down your head wherever you are now and repeat after me,” Lord Jesus, I have come to the realization of my sins, please cleanse me with your blood on the cross of Calvary, wash me and I shall be made whole. I opened the door of my heart for you today, be my master, father, king and savior. Thank you Jesus, in Jesus mighty name, I pray, Amen”.
As you have made this declaration from deep within your heart, you shall experience the hand of God. You can download a softcopy of the bible on your app store or visit any Christian Bookshop around you to get a hard copy. Find any Redeem Christian Church of God Church or any other bible believing Church close to you. Remember, read your bible daily and only follow an instruction that is in your bible, the word of God.


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