1.       The Word of the Lord came to me
2.       Son of Man, say to the prince of tyre, thus says the Lord God: Because your Heart is Proud, and you have said, I am a god, I seat in the seat of the gods, in the heart of the seas, yet you are but a man and no god, though you consider yourself as wise as a god
3.       You are indeed wiser than Daniel, no secret is hidden from you
4.       By your wisdom and your understanding, you have gotten wealth for yourself, and you have gathered gold and silver into your treasuries;
5.       By your great wisdom in trade, you have increased your wealth, and your heart has become proud in your wealth
6.       Therefore, thus says the Lord God, because you consider yourself as wise as God,
7.       Therefore, behold, I will bring strangers upon you, the most terrible of the nations, and they shall draw their sword against the beauty of your wisdom and defile your splendor
8.       They shall thrust you down into the pit, and you shall die the death of the slain, in the heart of the seas.
9.       Will you still say that, “I am god”, in the presence of those who slay you, though you are but a man and no god, in the hands of those who wound you?
1You shall die the death of the uncircumcised, by the hand of the foreigners, for I have spoken, says “the Lord God”.

God resist the proud but gives grace to the humble. The bible text above pictures the Rise and fall of a man who is Proud at Heart. The bigger problem is that the person possessed with the spirit of pride will never accept that he/she is Proud at Heart. God gives us the definition of pride in the bible text above as the act of exalting oneself against God in our actions. Pride has its root in the heart and this translates to physical actions. Pride is tantamount to a man saying, he/she does not need God, because you already have all you need. Some people have wealth so mighty that their next generation cannot finish it and considering this fact they build up their trust on their wealth forgetting that God is the giver and taker of wealth.

Pride is a demonic spirit that develops itself from the heart of a man who is vulnerable because of lack of the Holy Spirit. Take this fact, that anyone whose heart is not occupied by the Holy Spirit, It will be occupied by Evil Spirits. There is no neutral ground. The moment it enters into the heart of a man, it grows subtly (little by little) without notice. The individual possessed with the spirit of pride may not notice it but if anyone challenges or notify him of the changes in him, he become suddenly angry and naturally finds excuse to prove that he is right and not proud. I pray for you, any spirit of pride hiding in you to destroy you, the blood of Jesus Christ will flush them out in the name of Jesus.

     When a Man refuses to acknowledge that is the hand of the Lord, God almighty that has brought him to the position he is today, he is directly saying, he has brought himself to where he is and he is a god. Such a Man has directly provoked God and challenges him to a duel of supremacy and sovereignty which God will gladly accept. The most important characteristics of a man proud in the heart is that he believes he knows it all. He relies heavily on his wisdom and understanding that he believes has brought him to great wealth. Let us consider, Ezekiel 28:5, “By your great wisdom in trade, you have increased your wealth, and your heart has become proud in your wealth’’. The King of Tyre, our case study here, is a Professor of Economics, Accounting, Business Administration and this he believes brought him the wealth he is enjoying. But to tell you the truth, such an ideology is a lie from the pit of hell.
The Bible says, “by strength, no man shall prevail”. This means the good Job, Wealth, Prosperity, Success, Marriage that you are enjoying today, is not by your hard work, power or might. There are many that have work harder than you but have not been able to make ends meet. It is the almighty God, the Lord Jesus Christ that has made things work out for you. Therefore, stop exalting yourself against God because you are nothing but dust and you shall return back to dust. Those who believe they are as smart or wise as God will always have a bitter end.God has declared special curses against those who are exalting themselves against him. According to our bible text, the curses are:

a.       The Lord God almighty will use strangers to fight against them: We can term that as the Lord will use those who are not wise as them to fight them.
b.      The Lord God almighty will raise up terrible people to draw up sword against the beauty of their wisdom: Meaning that the Lord will use the wicked to destroy their wealth
c.       They shall die as a nobody even amidst their wealth
d.      They Shall be put to shame and end up molested by foreigners

If you have been caught in the web of pride, and you have realized it, I am happy to inform you that, there is a way out today. The Lord Jesus Christ is ready to save and restore you today. You only need to come before him in humility of heart and ask for forgiveness. He will cancel and clear the record of your sins and iniquities. If you are ready to start a new life, please bow down your head wherever you are now and repeat after me,” Lord Jesus, I have come to the realization of my sins, please cleanse me with your blood on the cross of Calvary, wash me and I shall be made whole. Remove the spirit of pride from my heart and replace it with your gentle spirit of humility. Thank you Jesus, in Jesus mighty name, I pray, Amen”.

As you have made this declaration from deep within your heart, you shall experience the hand of God. If you have wronged anyone through pride, prayerfully seek the face of God on how you can wisely make restitutions. You can download a softcopy of the bible on your app store or visit any Christian Bookshop around you to get a hard copy. Find any Redeem Christian Church of God Church or any other bible believing Church close to you. Remember, read your bible daily and only follow instructions  that is your bible, the word of God.


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