But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God…2 Corinthians 4:2 

This golden confession was given by Apostle Paul, while addressing the Corinthian Church. This article will be addressing our Church leaders in various denominations. Many shepherds in the Church have misled the flocks, thereby depopulating the Kingdom of God. This has caused the Church to be producing half-baked believers. This message is not meant to condemn anyone but to call us back to basics, for us to start afresh.

We can learn and retrace our steps from the life of Apostle Paul. Today, many leaders of the church have to deliver the word of God by manipulating and handling the word of God deceitfully in order to produce a message sweet to the ear of their members. It is scarce nowadays, for you to see a sermon delivered which will hit the bone and marrow of the hearer and the Church will break down in tears, with a sober and repentant heart for all that they have done. The Church is a place meant to move people closer to the kingdom of God, but most people are getting farther away from the kingdom of God because the solid undiluted word of God is no more delivered.

The rot and decadence in our country aggravate due to the fact that residents of the country do not have access to the true word of God. IT’S TIME TO CHANGE.A revolution of revival of repentance should sweep across our Churches. The Shepherds have substituted the Church for big buildings. The leaders believe that the buildings, cars, specially designed artifacts are the Church. But the church is the individuals coming in to worship God daily. It is the person waiting to see the hand of God in his/her life that just struggled to come to the church believing that if he could talk to God there will be a solution under the corporate anointing. The Church is the brother sister going through though financial struggles that manages to come to the church, even without beign able to bring an offering. Yet, you the leader is not sensitive to their plight. God has designed a Church to be a fortress, a strong tower where rest is can be found, but instead of that, you are adding to their troubles. The Church is created to be sacred filled with the power of God, but some leaders have turned it to the den of thieves where people are exploited of their hard earned money.

Let us go back to the drawing board and follow the initial plans of God. He wants the Church to be a place of spiritual regeneration and renewing of mind. In order to make heaven, as a leader in the Church, we need to renounce the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully. It is important that we manifest the truth, commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. This means we need to lead by example and show ourselves approved.

Do you feel that the spirit of the Lord is chastising/correcting you as you are reading this article? Why not go on your knees immediately and ask for mercy, for the mercy of the Lord prevailed against judgment. May the mercy of the Lord, be with us all in Jesus name. Amen


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