I have written earlier on this topic. But the Holy Spirit is opening my eyes more on some issues on this topic. Every activity on earth is operated by time and each situation is tagged by its timing. Whenever it is time for Rain, we call it the Rainy Season. If it is time for Harmattan, we call it the Harmattan Season. If a man is experiencing Poverty, it is called the time of Poverty for that period and if a country is experiencing Famine, it is called the Famine Time. But the time of life is a special time withheld by God. This time carries so much power that it can stop the activities of any other times operating in your life.

God usually release this time, when a man is going through an unfavorable time, period or circumstances. This time is so powerful that it can interrupt any unfavorable times in your life and stop it right on the track. But this time can only be released by God, when a man does something special that provokes God into action. This word first surfaced in the book of Genesis 18:14, when Abraham provoked God to action through his act of hospitality, when God was passing by Abraham’s tent, he called the Lord and provided a wonderful feast for him and the co-sojourner. The Lord spoke this word and bam! The solution to the problem of childlessness vanished. I decree to your life right now, the Lord shall activate the time of life to interrupt every unfavorable times disturbing your destiny in Jesus name.

The second time this word was released in the scripture was in the book of 2 Kings 4:16, when a shunemite woman decided to be feeding Elisha the Man of God anytime he passes through her place. Elisha asked him if there is any favor he could do for her but she said none because she is well connected and has almost everything she ever needs. Elisha asked Gehazi his follower that what else do this woman need, Gehazi said the woman do not have a son. Immediately, the word from the Lord came to Elisha and he said “About this season, according to the time of Life, thou shall embrace a son”. This is a word directly from the Lord spoken through the mouth of the Man of God.
Whatsoever unfavorable timing you are passing through right now, according to the time of life by this time tomorrow, it would become an history, in the mighty name of Jesus. Friend, God is ready to deploy this time to start operating in your life but it is important for you to be on the side of the Lord. Accept the Lord Jesus Christ into your life today and Mountains will become a flat ground before you.

Bow down your head in sincerity of heart and invite him to your heart right now. Say after me, “Lord Jesus, I welcome you into my life, right now. Let your power flow in my life, let your presence show in my life and make me draw closer to you. Let my time of life come, in Jesus mighty name I pray”
As you have made this declaration from deep within your heart, you shall experience the hand of God. You can download a softcopy of the bible on your app store or visit any Christian Bookshop around you to get a hard copy. Find any Redeem Christian Church of God Church or any other bible believing Church close to you. Remember, read your bible daily and only follow an instruction that is in your bible, the word of God.


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