“One thing have I asked from the Lord, that will I seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord, all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in his temple” --- Psalm 27:4

In this world of chaos and storms where nothing is certain, you need DIVINE DIRECTION to live a successful life. We experience situations daily that necessitate us to make decisions daily especially decisions that can be of serious impact to our lives. No one can be trusted to give you a proper direction as the almighty God who knows it all. Are you about to make a crucial decision about your marital life, Finances, Career, Business, Spiritual Life et.c? In order to make the right decision and end up well, you need DIVINE DIRECTION.

The Foundation of divine wisdom is divine direction and the ability to obtain divine directions will go a long way in accelerating your progress to the top. Divine Direction simply means; hearing directly from God. So many people find it hard to hear from God, that is why they resort to the option of hearing from Prophets, Herbalist, and Mediums et.c. But these people can never see the mind of God for your life. They can only provide a clue of your future which the creator of your future, God himself can change anytime. You need to hear from God yourself. 

To hear from God, according to our bible text above, you need to follow the steps below to hear from God:
1 Dwell in the House of the Lord: This does not mean living practically in the Church. It represents staying in the presence of the Lord. It is important to know that you cannot stay in the presence of God without giving your life to Jesus Christ. You need to confess all your sins before him. It is a matter privately between you and God. You need to change from your old ways and start living for Jesus. That is how you can be welcomed into the presence of God. Psalm 24:3-4 says,
“Who shall ascend the hills of the Lord? And who shall stand in his holy place?
He who has a clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false, and does not swear deceitfully”
 To access the presence of God, you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit and read the word of God daily. You only need to ask Jesus Christ to fill you with the Holy Spirit and he will do so. Your heart is what needs to be right with God. Ask the Lord Jesus for the Holy Spirit with all sincerity of heart and he is going to give it to you.
2 Behold his Beauty: This simply means worshipping and praising the Lord. You must have a silent time to worship and sing praises to him. In the midst of singing and dancing to him He will definitely speak to you. Decide to become a permanent worshipper today and notice a special turn around in your life.
3 Inquire in his Temple: This implies that bringing your matters directly to him for inquiries. You do not need to inquire from any human being to get directions, transfer your enquiries to the Lord Jesus Christ. As long as you are dwelling in the house of God and beholding his beauty.

Note that God can speak to you through circumstances around you as you make inquiry to him about direction. Peter in the scripture was a professional fisherman who has been toiling all day on the waters without catching a single fish. Jesus Christ requested he lend him his boat for the purpose of ministering to the people. He sat on the boat to preach to thousands of people that have come from different locations to hear from him. After the message, the Lord Jesus returned the boat and gave Peter a direction in his business. He told him to stretch forth his net to a particular side and lo and behold, he caught lots of fishes that he has to call others to come and help him.

Dear Reader that is what divine direction can do. It can turn a nobody to somebody and solve every difficult riddles and situations in your life. Then, what are you waiting for? You need to get this Divine Direction. Like I discussed earlier, without having Jesus Christ in your life, you cannot get divine directions. If you are ready to start a receive divine directions, please bow down your head wherever you are now and repeat after me,” Lord Jesus, I have come to the realization of my sins, please cleanse me with your blood on the cross of Calvary, wash me and I shall be made whole. Help me to have divine directions from you over every aspect of my life. Thank you Jesus, in Jesus mighty name, I pray, Amen”.

As you have made this declaration from deep within your heart, you shall experience the hand of God. You can download a soft copy of the bible on your app store or visit any Christian Bookshop around you to get a hard copy. Find any Redeem Christian Church of God Church or any other bible believing Church close to you. Remember, read your bible daily and only follow instructions that are in your bible, the word of God.


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